Grand Rapids Twp. in need of zoning updates


GRAND RAPIDS – Questions are being raised about the construction of fences in Grand Rapids Township, but
zoning regulations do not cover the issue.
During the trustees’ brief meeting on Aug. 24, Zoning Inspector Cory Johnson reported he had received a
phone call from someone on River Road asking about a neighbor’s fence.
"I told him we have nothing for fences," he said. "You guys don’t have anything."
Trustee George Foos said one time a while back two neighbors in the township hated each other, and one
wanted to build a fence 12 feet to 14 feet tall on their property line. "It’s something we need to
address with our new zoning," he stated.
After the meeting Foos explained the trustees had been trying "for around five years" to get
new zoning regulations in place, but "it’s in limbo." The regulations have to be put together
by the township’s zoning board, but Foos estimated it had been about one-and-a-half years since its last
"We’re trying to get them to do their job," he stated.
During the meeting Trustee Les Heyman reported on three prices provided by area companies selling lawn
mowers. The township’s current mower has trouble with its drive, though it is not that old. Trustees are
gathering prices while they determine if they will repair it or buy a new one.
Foos reported that before the trustees can begin work on building a 12-feet by 36-feet salt shed and get
a building permit, they need to have a survey conducted for elevations and flood plain information, and
have plans drawn up by a registered architect.
After the meeting he explained the shed will allow the trustees to store a couple loads of salt in winter
so snowplow drivers do not need to travel to Bowling Green to get it in bad weather. The building also
will be used to store stone and cold patch materials. Salt and stone are currently stored on the edge of
Beaver Creek Cemetery, and Foos said the shed will help clean up that area.
The township will receive a $1,100 reimbursement check from its insurance company to pay trustees for
cleaning up a tree that fell on tombstones in the cemetery.

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