Job training help available for county’s older workers

Experience Works, the nation’s largest nonprofit training and employment organization for older workers,
is now accepting applications for the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) in Wood
The program is designed to help low-income, older individuals enter the workforce, secure more
challenging positions, move into new career areas or supplement their incomes.
"As the economy continues to falter, many older Ohioans are finding it necessary to find work –
either because they were laid off or because their nest eggs have disappeared," said Kent Kahn,
director for Experience Works. "Unfortunately, finding a job can be especially difficult for older
people who may have been out of the job search process for many years."
Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, SCSEP is free to participants who are 55 and older and meet low
income criteria. Through the employment program, Experience Works helps older people with
self-assessments, technical and skills training, the job search process, and finding an appropriate
training assignment with a local community service agency. The goal is to provide participants with the
skills and tools to transition from their community service assignments to permanent employment with a
local employer.
For more information about SCSEP and Experience Works, visit or call