Committee makes county park pay recommendations

File photo. Neil Munger.
(Photo: Aaron Carpenter/Sentinel-Tribune)

An advisory committee studying wage issues for the Wood County Park District made its final
recommendation Wednesday, suggesting salary increases far below what the board originally proposed.
However, there were increases recommended that were different – and higher – than what was presented at
the last committee meeting earlier this month.
The committee was given additional information, comparing salaries to the Bowling Green Park District and
constables working security for the Wood County Courthouse, said advisory member Jill Engle, who is Wood
County treasurer.
Longevity was also built into the new recommendations.
Those issues could bump up the hourly wages of the Wood County Park District director and assistant
director 11 and 12 percent respectively. The stewardship specialist could also get up to a 25 percent
increase and the stewardship coordinator could get a 13 percent raise.
Advisory committee member Andrew Kalmar said the group only voted on adopting a plan which says park
employees can be paid no less than the minimum of their pay grade and no more than the maximum. The
committee also asked that the park board continue to work with the consulting firm to determine salary
That gives the three park chairpersons some leeway in deciding salaries. Kalmar, who is Wood County
administrator and a former director of the park district, said the advisory committee did not want to
make specific recommendations for each employee.
"We thought that kind of went beyond what our mission was," he said. "We don’t have their
budget information and we’re not familiar with their employees."
The original report issued by Clemans, Nelson and Associates on Aug. 12 suggested minor increases for two
employees and concluded that three are being paid the maximum in their range. Clemans, Nelson sent out
28 wage surveys; 13 responded and five were considered comparable to Wood County Park District.
The firm was hired last winter after the park board recommended huge salary increases – ranging up to 74
percent with the average salary increase being 32 percent – for its 20 employees.
"We were just glad to have additional data," Kalmar said of Wednesday’s meeting. "I think
the process was fair. The folks at Clemans, Nelson were very professional in their approach."
He expects the park board to adopt the advisory committee’s recommendation. Chairman George Thompson, who
was also moderator for the advisory committee, could not be reached for comment.
"I would be surprised if they did not take our recommendation seriously," Kalmar said.
Engle criticized the park board for granting the exorbitant raises in the first place.
"In good economic times or bad economic times those pay raises are not warranted, no matter what. I
just think they were way out of line," she said.
"I think we made a good decision. I just think the park board commissioners should try to continue
to use the pay range study in the future to regain the public’s trust."
Engle added that the board will have a "rough row to hoe. That’s not the right way to do it. Pass a
levy and give the raises."
Voters approved a 1-mill replacement levy in March 2008.
Committee reviews park raise data
Here is the data the advisory committee considered for the Wood County Park District pay raises. It was
put together by Clemans, Nelson. The committee voted Wednesday to recommend the park board stay within
the minimum and maximum pay ranges for employees and work with Clemans, Nelson to establish the rate.

¥ Director Neil Munger, hired 1991, current hourly wage $26.16, 2009 pay range minimum $24.67; 2009 pay
range maximum $30.84, longevity wage assignment $29.11, recommended wage $29.11 (11 percent).
¥ Assistant Director Jeffrey Baney, hired 1990, current hourly wage $21.40, 2009 pay range minimum
$20.14, 2009 pay range maximum $25.18, longevity wage assignment $23.97, recommended wage $23.97 (12
¥ Chief of Ranger Services Todd Nofzinger, hired 2007, current hourly wage $18.98, 2009 pay range minimum
$17.59, 2009 pay range maximum, $21.99, longevity wage assignment $17.94, recommended wage $18.98 (0
¥ Construction Manager Stephen True, hired 1998, current hourly wage $19.39, 2009 pay range minimum
$17.59, 2009 pay range maximum $21.99, longevity wage assignment $19.35, recommended wage $19.39 (0
¥ Operations Manager Robert Brian, hired 1998, current hourly wage $19.39, 2009 pay range minimum $17.59,
2009 pay range maximum $21.99, longevity wage assignment $19.35, recommended wage, $19.39 (0 percent).

¥ Human Resources Coordinator/Office Manager Kristin Long, hired 1995, current hourly wage $20.99, 2009
pay range minimum $17.59, 2009 pay range maximum $21.99, longevity wage assignment $20.05, recommended
wage $20.99 (0 percent).
¥ Stewardship Coordinator Christopher Smalley, hired 2000, current hourly wage $16.99, 2009 pay range
minimum $17.59, 2009 pay range maximum $21.99, longevity wage assignment $19.17, recommended wage,
$19.17 (13 percent).
¥ Program coordinator Debra Nofzinger, hired 2001, current hourly wage $16.77, 2009 pay range minimum
$16.44, 2009 pay range maximum $20.55, longevity wage assignment $17.76, recommended wage $17.76 (6
¥ Park Ranger Ernest Shiffler, hired 1997, current hourly wage $18.14, 2009 pay range minimum $13.42,
2009 pay range maximum $16.78, longevity wage assignment $15.03, recommended wage $18.14 (0 percent and
"x-stepped," meaning he is paid the maximum in the pay range).
¥ Park Ranger David Vnuck, hired 2005, current hourly wage $16.93, 2009 pay range minimum $13.42, 2009
pay range maximum $16.78, longevity wage assignment $13.96, recommended wage $16.93 (0 percent and
¥ Park Ranger Douglas Carr, hired 2000, current hourly wage $15.66, 2009 pay range minimum $13.42, 2009
pay range maximum $16.78, longevity wage assignment $14.63, recommended wage $15.66 (0 percent).
¥ Park Ranger Travis Simons, hired 2006, current hourly wage $13.38, 2009 pay range minimum $13.42, 2009
pay range maximum $16.78, longevity wage assignment $13.69, recommended wage $13.69 (2 percent).
¥ Park Ranger Aaron Leist, hired 2007, current hourly wage $12.14, 2009 pay range minimum $13.42, 2009
pay range maximum $16.78, longevity wage assignment $13.55, recommended wage, $13.55 (12 percent).
¥ Stewardship Specialist Bryan Bockbrader, hired 2009, current hourly wage $11.48, 2009 pay range
minimum, $14.36, 2009 pay range maximum $17.95, longevity wage assignment $14.36, recommended wage
$14.36 (25 percent).
¥ Program Naturalist Pamela Menchaca, hired 1995, current wage $20.74, 2009 pay range minimum $12.54,
2009 pay range maximum $15.68, longevity wage assignment $14.30, recommended wage $20.74 (0 percent and
¥ Program Naturalist Renell Simrau, hired 2006, current hourly wage $12.67, 2009 pay range minimum
$12.54, 2009 pay range maximum $15.68, longevity wage assignment $12.92, recommended wage $12.93 (2
¥ Park Construction Specialist Ned Fairbanks, hired 2003, current hourly wage $13.38, 2009 pay range
minimum $12.54, 2009 pay range maximum $15.68, longevity wage assignment $13.29, recommended wage $13.38
(0 percent).
¥ Park Maintenance Specialist Michael Swartz, hired 2001, current hourly wage $14.47, 2009 pay range
minimum $12.54, 2009 pay range maximum $15.68, longevity wage assignment $13.54, recommended wage $14.47
(0 percent).
¥ Park Maintenance Specialist Troy Bowers, hired 2006, current hourly wage $12.14, 2009 pay range minimum
$12.54, 2009 pay range maximum $15.68, longevity wage assignment $12.92, recommended wage $12.92 (6

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