BGSU balances budget


Bowling Green State University has balanced its budget for fiscal year 2010, President Carol Cartwright
told faculty and staff in an e-mail late Thursday.
Fiscal 2010 ends June 30, 2010.
"I thank you for the hard work and difficult choices required to accomplish that. Your efforts and
sacrifices in this challenging time will help to ensure the continued success of BGSU," she wrote.

Cartwright quickly added that BGSU faces a projected shortfall of $5 to $10 million for fiscal year 2011.

"While we have not received final information from the Ohio Board of Regents about our specific
share of State Share of Instruction through the funding formula, we estimate that SSI for FY11 will be
$5 million-$10 million less than for FY10.
"While our budget is presently balanced, we must still be cautious with our spending. The Ohio
economy continues to struggle, and if we do not see improvements soon, the state could require
additional reductions later this fiscal year."
Cartwright told faculty and staff that the SSI reduction "presents a significant challenge"
that would likely mean additional reorganization and the possibility of merging programs and functions.
At the same time she said the university must continue "making investments to achieve future
success. Targeted infusions of resources to support activities such as the new enrollment initiatives
are included in this year’s budget."
She also indicated a tuition increase is likely for the spring semester but said BGSU will be monitoring
tuition and room and board decisions made by other Ohio colleges and universities in order to remain
"The surest way to improve our financial position is to increase enrollment," she wrote.
"Every member of the university community has a role to play in recruitment and retention of
students at BGSU. … One example of how we will improve enrollment is the Early Alert retention program
launched his semester. Of course, we welcome any ideas you might have."
Carwright noted several positive developments she believes indicate BGSU is moving in the right
direction. She listed recent recognition in the U.S. News & World Report "America’s Best
Colleges;" enrollment initiatives that are showing results, pending construction of the Wolfe
Center for the Arts and Stroh Center; plus longer range plans for renovations to academic buildings, and
remodeled residence and dining halls.
On Sept. 18, the president will host a live webcast to discuss the operating budget and the capital
budget and address concerns of faculty and staff. She will be joined by Senior Vice President for
Academic Affairs and Provost Ken Borland, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President for Finance and
Administration Sherideen Stoll, and Chief Human Resources Officer Rebecca Ferguson. Dr. Ronald Shields,
chair of Faculty Senate, will serve as facilitator.
Questions for the forum can be submitted in advance or during the forum to [email protected].

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