Spend time with BGSU international students

Families who would like to invite an international student in Bowling Green to share a meal, a holiday, a
trip to the mall or other activities can volunteer through Bowling Green State University’s Center for
International Programs (CIP) and the International Friendship Program.
The friendship program is designed to help BGSU international students become better acquainted with the
culture and customs of the United States through interaction with the community.
For more than 30 years, the program has been matching hundreds of international students from about 80
countries with interested families in Bowling Green, giving the students an opportunity to know more
about American life, and giving community members a chance to get to know someone from a different
BGSU is expecting nearly 200 new international students, and new families are needed to join the program
so no international student who wishes to meet an American family is disappointed.
Not only traditional families may participate. Single people, widows and widowers, those who are divorced
and retirees are all welcome. There is no cost to participate. The students do not live with the host
families but enjoy being invited to do things together.
For more information about the program, contact CIP Graduate Assistant Yuchun Zhou at (419) 372-8480 or
at [email protected].
To talk with someone who has participated in the program, call Betty Laukhuf at (419) 352-0685, Phyllis
Oster at (419) 352-4360 or Monna Pugh at (419) 352-4860.