2011 BG calendar plans ready

Downtown Bowling Green’s Publications Committee has announced the theme for the 2011 wall calendar.
"Bowling Green: Natural Beauty In All Seasons" and the idea is to capture Bowling Green’s
unique natural beauty throughout the seasons in photographs taken by community members.
"We are announcing the theme now to give people enough time to plan their submissions," said
committee member Becky Laabs. She added, "We really want to stress that we are looking for seasonal
images of nature that are easily recognizable as being from Bowling Green. So that makes it a little
more challenging."
Color photos will be accepted any time until April 30, 2010. Submissions must be in high resolution jpeg
digital format.
All photo submissions will be included in a gallery showing that will accompany the publication of the
calendar. Photographers whose work is chosen for the calendar will receive complimentary copies of the
Since its first printing in 2007, the Downtown Bowling Green Wall Calendar has become a popular holiday
gift and a great way to showcase our town. For 2010, the organization took a different approach to
showcasing Bowling Green, using children’s art. According to Sandy Wicks, another member of the
promotions committee, "The 2010 calendar is really very lively and colorful. It’s so refreshing to
see Bowling Green through a child’s eyes!"
The members of the Publications Committee, including Kathy Shapler, Beth Genson, Nick Gorant, and Wendy
Stram, just met to review proofs of the 2010 calendar, which should be available in a few weeks. The
2010 calendar features the artwork of first through third grade students, coordinated by Noreen Overholt
at BG City Schools. As in previous years, the 2010 calendar will include city and school information.

The Bowling Green calendars are produced by Downtown BG, a non-profit organization that strives to
enhance and stabilize the economic vitality of the central business district through long-term
improvement projects and ongoing promotional and maintenance activities. For more information visit