Church events 7-24

Pastor Al Schmitzer’s sermon at Abiding Word Lutheran Church is "Amazing Grace."
"Jesus Christ, Our Sanctifier, Part 1, From Salvation to Sanctification," will be Pastor David
Gugger’s sermon Sunday at Bowling Green Alliance Church.
Evangelist Harold Driver’s sermon Sunday morning at Bowling Green Church of Christ will be "The
Egyptian Unity Conference." The evening service will be "Two Deadly Mistakes."
"Courage Grows Stronger in a Thankful Heart," will be Rev. Michael Malanga’s message Sunday at
Bowling Green Covenant Church.
Pastor Kevin Crawford will be speaking on "TXT: The Authority," Sunday at Brookside Church.
Rev. Mack Armstrong’s sermon Sunday at Cloverdale United Methodist Church will be "Conquered Crown
Confesses Conquering."
"Bewitched" will be Pastor Brian Snyder’s message Sunday morning at First Baptist Church. The
evening message will be "Blessed or Cursed."
Rev. Brent Pomeroy’s sermon Sunday at First Christian Church will be "Abundant Grace." An
all-church picnic follows at the Rupp’s cottage.
Pastor Mary Jane Saunders’ sermon at First Presbyterian Church will be "Tour Bus Christians."

Pastor Tom Mellott’s sermon at First United Methodist Church will be "A People Like Us, Capable of
Being a Great Team."
The program Sunday at Maumee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation will be "Suicide
Prevention" by Barbara Applebaum.
Pastor Karen Thompson’s theme for both traditional services at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church will be
"King David." Pastor Dale Schaefer’s topic for the 11 a.m. praise service is "Are you a
Disciple of Jesus?"
A Prayer for a Healthy Soul," will be Rev. Eric McGlade’s sermon Sunday at Trinity United Methodist
There will be an encore performance of the musical, "Queen Esther," during the worship at
Village View Church of Christ.
"Living for Christ While we Wait, Part 1," will be Dr. David Lindeblad’s sermon Sunday at Wood
County Baptist Church.
Katie Tyson will be the guest speaker Sunday at Trinity United Methodist Church. Her message will be
"A Hope and a Future."
Preacher Dan Horner’s sermon at Bradner Community Christian Church is "Revelation: Clear as Mud,
part 30."
Katie Tyson will be the guest speaker Sunday at Faith United Methodist Church. Her message will be
"A Hope and a Future."
Pastor Timothy Rothfuss’ sermon at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Lord of Power and
Pastor Dale Smeltzer’s message at Christ’s Bible Church will be "Take the Helmet of Salvation."

Pastor Susan St. Peter’s sermon Sunday at Union United Methodist Church will be "Who Recognizes the
Rev. Daniel Busch, association minister for NW Ohio Association of United Church of Christ, will be the
speaker Sunday at Haskins Community Church. His sermon will be "Fragments and Fear."
"Beyond the Facts," is Pastor Rick Adams’ message at Hoytville United Methodist Church. The ice
cream social is Saturday.
Pastor Ron Shinkle’s message at Lemoyne Baptist Church is "How God Used John Calvin."
Pastor Jeanne English’s sermon title at Zion Lutheran Church is "The Game of Life – Password."

Pastor Melissa Steinecker’s sermon topic Sunday at Zion United Methodist Church will be "Miraculous
"Miracles," is Pastor Andy Wilson’s sermon at St. Paul Lutheran.
"Beyond the Facts," will be Pastor Rick Adams’ message at St. James United Methodist Church.

Pastor Ralph Mineo’s sermon topic Sunday at St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Will
There be Enough?" This is the first of five "Bread of Life" Sundays.
Jeffrey Kirkbride from Faith, Science and the Kingdom of God, will preach at First United Presbyterian
Rev. Bruce McDaniel’s sermon Sunday at Christ United Methodist Church will be "Bread: Scarcity vs.
Pastor Ernie Unholz’s sermon Sunday at Rudolph Christian Church will be "Let’s Begin Again."

Ken Staib, a Trinity Lutheran Seminary student will lead both worship services Sunday at St. John
Lutheran Church.
Pastor Robert E. May’s sermon at Stony Ridge United Methodist Church will be "Whose Eyes?"
Pastor John Randall’s sermon at Sugar Ridge Community Church will be "Divine Optometry."
The morning message at Tontogany Presbyterian Church will be "Divine Multiplication." The
children’s message will be "Picnic for Thousands."
Pastor John Merseth’s theme Sunday at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Jesus Still Offers
His Gifts." The youth group holds a car wash Saturday.
Pastor Chris Boggs’ sermon at Sonlight Christian Assembly of God is "Caring for Our Bodies."

Rev. James Stewart’s sermon at Weston United Methodist Church will be "Reduced to Silence."