Garden Clubs: 7-23


Four Seasons Garden Club
The club met July 13 at the home of Nancy Fahle. Hostesses Teri Hansen and Maxine Hagemeyer provided ice
cream sundaes. Members then took a yard tour of Fahle’s many gardens.
President Jane Kohlenberg opened the meeting with 18 members present. She asked members to volunteer to
serve as 2009-2010 club officers. Renee Wendt accepted a second term as secretary and Fahle a second
term as vice president, Hansen accepted a term as treasurer, and Shannon Wright accepted the presidency.

Kohlenberg was thanked for serving the last two terms as president and Lois Siek for the last three terms
as treasurer.
Wendt, flower show chairperson, is working on finalizing everything. Decorations were mentioned. Members
are asked to provide old/new pictures in frames from the Pemberville Fair or anything else pertaining to
the theme "Picture Yourself at the Pemberville Fair" and to bring into the library before Aug.
10. Fair books should be out this week.
Wright brought polo shirts for members to try on and order tonight, if they prefer. She will contact any
members not present, so the order can be turned in by week’s end.
There will be no meeting in August due to fair. The next meeting is Sept. 7 at 577 Foundation in
Perrysburg. Planned are the installation of the new officers, a tour, meeting, and meal at 6:30 p.m.
Fahle will send out e-mail/mail reminders.
To carpool, meet at the library at 6.
Siek presented designing and basics of flower show ideas to members. Harden fresh cut flowers in warm
water (not softened) except for roses. Roses will harden in cold water.
To keep the arrangement in the shape needed, string, wire or floral wrap can be used. The oasis needs to
be above the container. Remove leaves that will be submerged. Start your arrangement at the back; big
flowers need to be in front or middle.
Country Village Garden Club
A total of 31 members, including six charter members, celebrated the 50 years of existence of Country
Village Garden Club earlier this month.
The club was basically organized by Eleanor Long, who is still a current member.
Sue Facer gave a detailed history of the club and various members and events that took place over those
years. She ended her recollections by recalling the club’s visit to the Kato Lato Gourd Farm in Indiana.
Senior members had a good laugh.
The group shared memories of special members and events over the years.
Everyone was reminded of duties during the Wood County Fair Flower Show.
The September meeting will be at the Schedel Gardens in Elmore.
Refreshments were served by Jennifer Schuerman.

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