4-H News: 7-22

Blue Ribbon Rangers
The Blue Ribbon Rangers 4-H Club met Monday at Wolf’s Blooms and Berries.
The Showmanship Clinic was held the day before at Nathan Eckels home. T-shirt orders were taken at the
meeting and members who have not completed interview judging were reminded to meet with an advisor and
complete their judging. Fair dates were discussed.
Members who are taking dairy beef feeders to the fair are reminded to meet on July 31 to mulch the barn.
The time is to be announced and members should bring pitch forks and scoop shovels.
Booth set up will be on Aug. 2 at 3 p.m. Members should meet in the Jr. Fair Building and bring posters
or projects that need to be set up in the booth.
Any member that can not come to booth set up and has a project that needs to be displayed needs to
contact an adviser.
The club will be riding on a wagon in the parade this year. Members are to meet at the track around 6:30
p.m on Aug. 4 and wear either club shirts or a red T-shirt.
The club is to work in the milkshake barn from 4:30 to 6:30 on Aug. 9.
Drug forms were also passed out at the meeting. Members who are taking any market animal besides a dairy
beef feeder need to fill these forms out either before or at weigh in.
The wristbands for the fair will be passed out during barn and booth decorating times.
The meeting adjourned and members met in groups to give reports, then members painted name signs.
There will be no more meetings for the Blue Ribbon Rangers this year.