More Bible schools planned for July

In addition to the Vacation Bible Schools announced last week, the following information has provided.

Interestingly two churches will both use the "Studio Go! Game Show" theme.
Cygnet Faith United Methodist Church’s Vacation Bible School will be July 17-23 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
All area children ages 4 through sixth grade are invited to attend.
In addition the Bradner community VBS will be held at Bradner United Methodist Church, 128 East St. on
July 26-30 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Registration will begin on the first day at 6 p.m. For more information,
contact Helen Graber at (419) 288-3018.
¥ Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist, 119 W. Broadway St., North Baltimore, will hold its
Vacation Bible School July 12-16, using the theme "Camp Edge: Explore and Discover God
The sessions will be held at the church from 6:30 to 8 p.m. each day beginning with a light supper at 6
Each session will include a Bible story, music, crafts, games and snacks.
Pre-registration is requested by calling the church at (419) 257-3247.
¥ A representative of Rudolph Church of Christ has reported the church will hold its VBS July 19-23. The
person indicated additional information was sent regarding the program; however that information has not
been received at our office.