Lifestyle Briefs: 6-24

BGHS 1949 grads’ reunion Saturday
The Bowling Green High School class of 1949 will hold their 60th reunion this Saturday with a tented
backyard picnic at the home of John and Bev Rutter, 421 N. Prospect St., starting at 2 p.m.
Anyone who has not been contacted by the committee but wishes to attend, should call (419) 352-8628 for
Library knitting club takes a break
FOSTORIA – The Knitting Club that has been meeting the first and fourth Tuesdays of the month at Kaubisch
Memorial Public Library will be on break during summer and resume regular club activities beginning Oct.
The time has been changed to 6:30-7:45 p.m. to accommodate the library’s shortened evening hours. The
meeting dates will also be changed to the first and third Tuesdays of the month.
For more information contact the library’s youth services department at (419) 435-2813.