Ogg Science Library to close June 26 at BGSU

The Frank C. Ogg Science Library in Bowling Green State University’s Mathematical Sciences Building will
close June 26.
A decision on the status of the library had been pending a review by BGSU President Carol Cartwright. The
review was the result of a challenge that the closure would violate the Faculty Charter.
According to an e-mail from Mark H. Gromko, interim provost and vice president for academic affairs,
Cartwright had determined there was no violation because the closure does not "affect two or more
colleges" as cited in Article XIV of the charter.
The materials in the Ogg Library will be integrated into the collections at the William T. Jerome Library
and the Northwest Ohio Regional Book Depository. This is expected to reduce costs and produce greater
The space occupied by the library on the third floor of the building will be used in part by the College
of Arts and Sciences.
Additional details will be announced later in the summer.
The closing had been pending since the 2005-06 academic year when then-executive vice president Linda
Dobb made such an announcement. There have been at least two committee studies of the issue, along with
discussion by the Faculty Senate.