Time short for Pemberville to decide on police levy


PEMBERVILLE — Mayor James Opelt reminded Pemberville Village Council Tuesday night it will have to make a
decision in the next few weeks about whether to place a police levy on the November ballot.
“I’m concerned with finances. We need some income. I don’t expect to use a levy to fund the entire police
budget, but I would like to supplement the operation,” the mayor said. The police budget is about
$200,000 a year. A levy might cover about 25 percent of that figure.
Council discussion indicated voters in Pemberville could face several requests this fall with the
Eastwood Schools and the Pemberville-Freedom Fire Department also considering levies. Opelt and
Councilman Eric Campbell attended a meeting with school officials recently and Councilman Keith Madaras
indicated the fire department may have a levy to help buy a new ambulance. Although the school board has
not made a decision, Opelt said it was his belief they would be on the ballot.
The discussion occurred after Madaras indicated the Pemberville Free Fair Board was holding a booth in
the commercial area for the village.
If there isn’t a levy, Opelt said the village could use the space to educate residents about the police
department. If there is a levy, Opelt said “we’ve got to get out and really sell whatever we put on the
“We’re losing $100,000 with the closing of Modine. We’re going to really be tightening our belts without
some other income,” he said.
Council will have until the third week of August to get legislation approved and to the Wood County Board
of Elections to make the November ballot.
Council also:
• Heard a letter from a resident expressing concerns about stray cats being fed by a business owner and
then running loose in the neighborhood. Opelt will write a “courtesy letter” to the individual asking
for some cooperation on the problem.
• Learned several planted flower pots were given to the village by Sue Wolf. Opelt is recruiting
volunteers to take care of watering and dead-heading the flowers for the summer.
• Learned the village is ready to welcome GOBA the morning of June 23 and the Special Olympics Torch Run
the afternoon of June 24.
• Heard the Champions Parade Thursday at 6:30 p.m. will honor both Eastwood’s bowling team and boys track
team for their state championships. Opelt said Luckey will also send police and fire units to
• Heard Councilman Gordon Bowman report the village has requested several employees being funded by the
federal stimulus money. The employees may start work in early July.
• Heard Councilman Eric Campbell report he has information that people in the village business district
can get from him about an inexpensive fix to flooding issues.
• At the request of Madaras approved an increase from $20 to $25 for same-day registration for the
file-mile race during the fair. Madaras said the increase is intended to encourage on-line

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