4-H News: 6-13

Haskins Clover Crew
Haskins Clover Crew 4-H Club has been busy recently.
On May 16 members met at Oak Openings for a bird watch planned by Mackenzie Wenig for her Ohio Bird
project. Park rangers shared an owl pellet they had found that morning. Allison Ortiz brought freshly
baked strawberry bread to share. She made the bread for her Quick Breads project.
On June 6 members again met at Oak Openings to volunteer with the Metroparks Helping Hands Program. For
two hours that morning members picked Hairy Vetch, a plant growing in Oak Openings that is not a native
Members were treated with delicious cookies brought by Wenig from her cooking project. After picking
Hairy Vetch members played in the sand dunes.
On June 9 members met at the Bowling Green Senior Center to volunteer for the monthly birthday dinner
party. Members served drinks, dinner, dessert, cleared and wiped down tables. "It was a fun
night," said Megan Ortiz in her report.
Members were invited to watch a magic show put on by a female magician who just happened to be
She also was assisted in one act by her sister who is 91.
The next meeting will be at the Wenig farm on Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m.
Members are asked to bring their books and come prepared to do their demonstrations.
Country Pride
On Sunday Country Pride 4-H members met at Tanya Chamberlain’s home.
The Cloverbuds worked on finishing their seed projects while the members worked on coming up with the
booth theme. They decided on "4-H Makes Stars of Everyone … Blast Off With 4-H!"
The members also cut out fins for their bottle rockets they will be launching at the next meeting.
Refreshments were served and members played a card game for recreation.
The next meeting is June 27 at Harrison Park in Pemberville at 12:30 p.m. This is a potluck and community
service project.