Weston wants trees cleared after fire truck crash

WESTON – A badly damaged fire truck has led village council to begin action to clear the ditches which
are blocking visibility at the intersection of Ohio 235 and Sand Ridge Road.
A big pumper from the Weston Fire Department was involved in an accident Saturday evening at the site.

"We probably lost a fire truck," stated Councilman Ron Trumbull during Monday’s meeting.
"It’s damaged." He noted the fire truck collided with a green van which he said might have
"blended in with the trees, and they did not see it."
"That corner has always been bad," he said. "It’s got to be cleaned up."
"It’s been a problem for a lot of years," agreed Mayor Howard Lashuay. He asked Solicitor Tom
Bamburowski about legal issues regarding the removal of the trees in the ditch.
Bamburowski said if they are blocking traffic vision they can be removed.
"The county won’t do it," said Village Administrator Chris Douglas, noting the county only
keeps the ditch bottom clear.
"Somebody could have been hurt real bad there," stated Councilman Jim Beck.
Council members agreed to send letters to residents living along the ditch north and south of the
intersection that it is their responsibility to remove the trees.
Council’s next meeting will be a public meeting on June 15 at 7 p.m. in the fire station. Fiscal Officer
Sarah Schroeder announced Brenda Fargo with First Energy has agreed to attend as well as Rep. Randy
Gardner, R-Bowling Green.
Guest Don Marion, president of MCM Precision Castings Inc., presented a request that the extension of
Beech Street north of Sycamore Street be vacated. In a letter to council, explained by Councilman Mark
Sheffer, the company owns the property north, east and west of the Beech Street extension and currently
maintains it as part of its driveway.
The village was promised a perpetual easement to the alley which runs parallel and north of Sycamore.
Council approved vacating the portion of Beech as requested.
Sheffer held up a bright red T-shirt indicating MCM Precision Castings is sponsoring the 5K Run during
Weston Days this summer and thanked Marion. The business is donating the shirts and printing.
Council approved an emergency resolution to renew the cemetery levy.
Bamburowski informed council it should not make a donation to the Wood County Humane Society’s SNIPS
program since it did not fall under a permissible use of public funds. Council members wanted to make
the gesture as a thank-you to the humane society for its help in catching feral cats in town.
Sheffer suggested working out something with the downtown businesses to make a donation to the humane
society in return for the village doing something to promote them. Councilwoman Tammy McClellan
suggested putting jars in the businesses to get donations from residents, too.
Douglas was asked to change the location of the large signs at the parks’ shelterhouses which are causing
confusion because they say people 15 and older can’t be there. Teens are allowed in the shelterhouses
but cannot use the play equipment.
Members agreed they want an inexpensive way to cover the shelterhouses’ rafters to keep children from
climbing in them.
Guest Melody Bigelow requested council’s approval to offer two inflatables as children’s activities
during a July 11 fun run benefit for Sarah Tiell and Judy Youngs. Council members expressed concern
about liability and insurance coverage for the inflatables.
Bigelow was requested to see if the Michigan company donating the inflatables has insurance, and the
village’s insurance carrier will be checked if a one-day waiver can be purchased.